Sororité, Fraternité / Sisterhood, Brotherhood - Atelier at La Source Garouste

6-weeks weekly workshop with 6-11 y.o. children in Rural Normandy

Workshop at Association La Source Garouste - La Guéroulde, addressed to 6-11 y.o. children from disadvantaged and marginalized environments, as well as children with disabilities. Aiming to highlight the value of community, participants were involved in the creation of a collaborative artwork, through a process split into several stages that took place during 6 sessions. The final goal of the project was an exhibition inspired by the theme Sororité, Fraternité (Sisterhood, Brotherhood), that was the year’s theme chosen by the Association.

First, children worked on a small scale, then transformed their mockups in a large format. During the six sessions, the materials were the subject of constant development, from painting to cutting to assembly, paying attention to use all wastes and scraps. The children created six sculptures that were exhibited at a final event at La Source’s headquarters. Participants collected sketches and scraps produced during the workshop in a personal artist’s book.

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