Creative workshops are part of my artistic practice: I love to involve people in creative expression and being surprised by what they communicate through Art, especially when they come from the most different backgrounds. 

I am open to collaborations, and if you would like to know more about my workshops, feel free to ➔ contact me 💌.

Collaborations: Association La Source Garouste - FR; Cambridge Montessori School - USA; Cooperativa Sociale la Collina -  IT; Trieste Film Festival - IT; Associazione Kallipolis - IT; Casa Internazionale delle Donne Trieste - IT; Associazione Luna e l'altra - IT; Dobravaga Art Gallery - SLO; Kuća kaštela u Momjanu - CRO; La Caravane Maison de Jeunesse - FR ...

Alphabet imaginaire- Atelier at La Source Garouste
Sororité, Fraternité / Sisterhood, Brotherhood - Atelier at La Source Garouste
LARU Tolmezzo 2021
DIY Orchestra
Workshops at Casa Internazionale delle Donne - Trieste
What if...
Semini d'inverno
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